
My drug of choice is writing––writing, art, reading, inspiration, books, creativity, process, craft, blogging, grammar, linguistics, and did I mention writing?

Monday, March 24, 2025

Big Changes Coming

My Newsletter-level Patrons already got the news in the most recent post, but big changes are coming to Writing About Writing.

And they're coming soon!  

I'm so excited to open the curtains, but it'll be just a little longer. What I can tell you is that what I thought was going to be a month coming, looks a lot more like it's going to MAYBE early April and might even roll out next week. 

In the meantime, the folks who kept the bills paid around here have been saints of patience while tragedies in my life were going off like microwavable popcorn in the last half of the second minute. I'm going to focus on some of the rewards I've promised them like the "Inside Scoop" Newsletter and an early access article.

Friday, March 21, 2025

It's About Time—The [Actual] Hard Choices

Go Back to Part 1

So Rhapsody is better. I'm not in the middle of a medical crisis. And copy of The Muppet Christmas Carol is missing. Clearly, it's time to get back to writing. However, that turns out to be a lot harder because of all this other stuff that has cluttered up my schedule in the meantime. I didn't just have five empty hours a day waiting for me like "Insert Writing Here." I have to go and get rid of things to make room for it, sweeping my calendar clear like it's a desk of bills and I'm Steve Martin in The Jerk.

What? Too '70s for you? My 46-year-old references aren't "hip" enough for you? 

Well anyway, I sat down with my priorities and my calendar and I made some really hard choices. 

The 7-10 Split (Finding Four to Five Hours a Day—Not Twelve)

First let me start by saying my days will be shorter now. I'm not trying to find 8-16 hours a day to write. Even my overachiever ass was having trouble with that. The vortex of writing noisily slurped up everything and swallowed it down….uh….but not in the fun way. Noisy fun slurping would be so much better.

I'm in a very different place than I was five years ago. That place is Concord. Which is nothing like Richmond. (Haha, little Bay Area humor there.) 

Okay but really though. Cancer. Miscarriages. Death (not mine). These things make you look at life a little differently. Even before I met Rhapsody, I was starting to realize that I could pay the bills writing only if I had absolutely no work/life balance and my "innie" worked twelve-, fourteen-, or even sixteen-hour days. Sometimes I would wake up, wander downstairs and spend a whole day on an article without ever changing out of my pajamas. It was high pressure and low reward.

I technically made ends meet, but only technically. There was an AWFUL lot of extra money watching The Contrarian that paid for brand-name peanut butter and Prada paperclips.

True story: I ended up in Urgent Care after a series of sleepwalking incidents and the doctor got about five questions in before it was obvious even to me that I needed more rest, more sleep, and less stress. I actually got told I was going to get heart disease and die early if I didn't learn to chill the fuck out. Now I pay attention to my sleep hygiene so I don't wake up binge-watching Iron Fist Season 2 (~shudder~).

But something funny happened when I forced a work/life balance—particularly one that involved a little bit of physical activity. You would think the less I wrote, the less I would get written, but that's not how it shook out. I started to notice that I could do the same amount of writing in less time. Give me sixteen hours, and I'd finish up around 15:55. Give me twelve hours, I'd finish up around 11:55. Give me six hours, and I'd finish up around 5:55.

I mean EVENTUALLY I would run out of time before I finished. I can't write a five-hundred-page novel in an afternoon just because there's a stopwatch ticking off the seconds. But my productivity almost always involved absolutely exactly as much procrastination as the job could handle, whether that was five hours or five days. 

Not only that, but my head felt clearer after a good walk and between that and the way the smaller container of a deadline "put a lid on the pot" I was able to get a lot more done in a lot less time. After about four hours, I reached a point of diminishing returns. (Or, to be more accurate to my ADHD ass, it was only under deadline with four hours REMAINING that I achieved a point of maximum increasing returns.) So I started trying to exercise more and more and even took up running. 

Then I fell in love, moved, had a miscarriage (well, Rhapsody did) and got cancer, my liver blew up, Rhapsody's boss was killed in a robbery, we got evicted by a landlord who wanted to flip the house we were in but not pay a relocation fee, and then chronic pain struck DURING the move and didn't go away until surgery. Good times.

After cancer, I decided I wanted a whole new thing. Not a change from writing—I still want to write—an addition. An "equal partner" in my career. A yin to my yang. A Bert to my Ernie. A donkey to my Shrek. A Chewbacca to my… okay, you get the point. I still want to write, but I wanted to stop living my financial life so close to the edge (even though I was technically "making it"), and I wanted a second job (not a side gig, but a full 50%, half-and-half job) that was as FAR AWAY from sitting in a chair as I could possibly get.

I also had some other guidance and direction that I speak of in my other blog. My calling to serve The Morrigan became clearer, and one of the things I was called to do was create a container from which I could do the work of being a priest. Everything from training as a death doula to continuing to be a loud and obnoxious writer to martial arts. One of those things was to help people find fitness (and try to make it as accessible as possible, but I'll get into that elsewhere). So I went back to school, got a Certified Personal Trainer certificate, took my NASM test, and took on clients.

So now I spend time working out and teaching others to work out. I write MUCH faster in a lot less time. I still need to find time to work, but I only need to find FOUR HOURS.

Will I write a little less? Probably. 

Will I be happier and more well balanced. Almost certainly.

Will I binge watch Season Two of Iron Fist ever again? Absofuckinglutely not.

Easy Changes

The first round of changes wasn't really going to be much effort. They just took a little recalibration. I spent a long time with a lot of buffer time between activities just because you never knew when plans were going to explode and a day was going to take a sharp right turn into Whatthefuckersville. By eight in the morning, a day of classes and work could turn into staying home to nurse Rhapsody through a panic attack, a handhold to the doctor, or a step-up to take care of the kids because the pain was just too great.

I spent tons of time on frivolous phone games and time wasters just trying to regulate my nervous system from the last panic or crisis and keep myself from getting too deep into anything before the next one cropped up.

But Rhapsody had surgery and is feeling much better. Last weekend she danced all night and then woke up and walked around the neighborhood for three hours. The grief has faded to a dull ache. She is a little worried about what's next since it's been four years of needing to get through [the next thing] in order to survive, but these are like the background radiation of generalized anxiety, and not a special version of pain or grief.

And my own nervous system's response to that unrelenting couple of years is starting to calm. I don't need an hour to wake up in the morning just so I can face the day. I don't need to keep the afternoon open any longer because I might need 90 minutes in the middle to do school pick up. I don't need to be "on call," and that means I don't need to be playing phone games for hours or just giving my fourth rewatch of Supernatural a thousand-yard stare. My trauma response isn't hair trigger, ever ready for another several hours of being in a support role and then a couple more of regulating myself.

The problem is that I did this for years. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. Adaptations turned into habits. And habits turned into lifestyle. Eventually you stop trying to jump right back on the horse because what is the point? So now, after years of taking it slow because it might blow up, I'm used to moving at snail pace, and it's hard to hit the ground running. I have to make a conscious effort to crack my overcautious cadence open and undo it all for a little bit of focus and urgency. But if I can tighten things up again, I'll gain a lot of time in moments here and there just by being a little more disciplined about how I use my time, a little more determined to get some work done, and less distractible by things I needed for the last few years to calm me. 

Estimated time gain: 3-4 hours/week

Tougher Changes

So once the easy changes were identified, it was time to really get to work. When a schedule is bleeding, there are usually two reasons for it. 1) You're spending time on things that aren't a priority. 2) You have no idea how much time you're spending on anything—priority or not.

In my case, both these things were true. 

So step one was to track where my time was going and step two was to make a list of priorities. These are MY priorities. Yours might be different, include more family time, include more downtime… whatever.


  • Family
  • The Morrigan Priest Duties*
  • Writing (Job #1)
  • Certified Personal Training (Job #2)
  • My Own Physical Fitness
  • UU Church (Community Service)
  • Further Morrigan Priest Skills (Death Doula, Martial Arts, Tarot, Irish, Fiddle)
  • Personal Leisure Time

(*A lot of The Morrigan Priest Duties are double dips with other things. I can write a social justice article and it's priest work and writing, for example. [The Morrigan is big on social justice.] Or when I go to the Unitarian Universalist Church, it is because the pagan community—even here in the very woo-woo, alternative Bay Area—is pretty scattered, disorganized, and largely into their own thing rather than community, so it is the compromise I have made to find a community of like-minded, multi-denominational, queer-friendly, leftist-activist folks to be of service to AS a priest while I begin the work of decades building something local and intentional.)

What combing through my calendar this carefully meant was that I needed to make sure my time reflected my priorities. Not just a matter of not wasting time, but was I spending a lot of time on something far down the list from higher priorities that were getting neglected? Here are a couple of examples:

1-My service to my community through the UU Church is important to me, but if I sign up for every march, vigil, sit in, "know your rights" class, volunteer opportunity, food distribution across their LGBTQ+, POC, and help-for-the-unhoused activism, I would be doing that a couple of hours a day and three to five hours each day on weekends. That's wonderful, but I have other things I want to be doing as much and sometimes more than church activism, so I need to spread those things out and go to one or two a week instead of every one I get an email about. I want to go, be seen as reliable, learn to organize, and also do a lot of other things too.

2- I want to run really long distances—half and full marathons—but I'm going to have to give those up. They take months of training and involve more and more hours of running and cross-training every week until they eat 10-15 hours a week of time. I had to make the tough choice that the time investments for me to run those kinds of races were going to take too much time away from things I want to do more. I'll stick to 5k's, 5 miles, and the occasional long run of 8-10 miles and set my goals within that container. Maybe someday I can push for longer distances.

There are a half a dozen or so more choices that were like this—they're activities I want to do but that are clearly down the priority scale. Now that I'm writing, SOMETHING has to get bumped, and if I'm not deliberate about what it is, I'll end up scratching my head at where the time has gone.

Estimated time gain: 1-2 hours/day

The Really REALLY Hard Choices

So that left nothing but really hard choices.

And I mean REALLY hard choices. 

Up till now was Kirby's Dream Land and now we were on to Dark Souls.

Things I wanted to do held up against other things I also wanted to do…and one of them HAD to go. The stuff that stings to admit you're not in a place to do. The stuff that HURTS to give up. It's not enough to say, "Hey I want to be a writer more than a death doula, so that training will have to wait until I have a little more free time." No, that's child's play compared to this shit. These are choices that require a careful examination of my priorities and the most strategic way to serve them, and the grudging admission that I can't do everything I want to do. That required just acknowledging that my time was going towards lower priority shit. This requires strategy and planning.

For example, I wanted to stay in school. There are more fitness certificates I want to get to be the best certified person trainer I can be, and I may want to get a nutrition certificate as well. Eventually I want to open my own community outreach gym/martial arts studio/woo-woo center that is accessible to lower- income folks, and I can imagine an associates in kinesiology will help immeasurably with that. I like the routine that classes bring to a week. I even just like BEING a student. Taking my work to the library or cafeteria and working in a change of environment. But right now, that's just six hours a week I don't have. I've got the certificate I need to take on clients and make money RIGHT NOW. So school isn't urgent compared to other things I want to do. 

And I had to admit that right now was not a good time for high-intensity dating. Technically, I have the TIME to date. But it's not just a matter of holes in the calendar where dates could go. There's so much energy expended in capital-R Relationships™. Particularly as you start to get past the "whatever's offered" stage and talk about what each of you wants. That hypothetical person would have to slide effortlessly into my life (local [but truly], kitchen table, experienced at non-monogamy, etc.), and I'm feeling pretty picky right now. I don't need a relationship to feel full and content. So while I'm technically open to the possibility, I have a lot of other things that are pulling my focus right now. Anyway, it's not like I wouldn't bang half my friends if they wanted to. That's a lot less emotional investment, is still pretty fun, and fits my life better at the moment.

Dropping school (for now at least) and giving up dating (for now at least) are huge. They're both things I really want to be doing, but they need to be sacrificed if I'm going to get back to writing. They put a lot of time back on my schedule.

Estimated time gain: 10-15 hours/week

The Final Answer

I ended up with at least three hours every day and big chunks of time on Thursday and Friday. Weekends are configurable but now include enough time to get some writing done. My Monday-Wednesday are going to be a little light in the writing department. I'll need to make sure my big articles are getting written between Thursday and Sunday.

It wasn't easy, but writing is worth it. And if you are trying to make writing The Thing You Do™--or even just An Important Thing You Do™, at some point….eventually…you're going to have to do something LIKE this. We all have to check in once in a while and see if our priorities match up with our activities. I can't tell you what YOU will give up and what you will keep, but maybe my process can help you streamline the things that are not priorities in your life. Most things in world out there are literally made to be just a little too addictive and creep in without you noticing.

But writing is worth the effort. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Hard Choices (Personal Update/Process)

I had to make some really hard choices last month.

This is somewhere between a personal update and a process article, but all writers have to grapple with the cold reality of time management at some point or another. I can't tell you how to make your own decisions—maybe you prioritize family or career over writing—but I can tell you you will eventually MAKE them.

And I can try to show you how I walked through mine.

Last month, I spent several days deciding how much of my current life I need to stop showing up for. Writing is too important to me to give up (or to relegate to a side quest), but how would I make the time for it? Do I abdicate from some of the help I've given Rhapsody with Treble and Clef? Do I drop some or all of the four units I'm taking to bolster my personal training resume? Do I stop running? Do I stop attending the UU Church where I have begun to form a few threads of community that I can serve in my capacity as a pagan priest? Where do I find the cuts that will leave me enough time? 

Particularly time to write. 

If you're writing AS a full-time job—or if you want to be—it probably takes you full-time-job amounts of time to get the writing done that you need to. One of the strangest misconceptions writers seem to labor under about making money writing (one that I am constantly calling out here) is that one can make Full Time Salary™ with Weekend Warrior™ effort. You can get published. You can finish your book. You can PUBLISH your book. You can get paid—maybe even enough to pay a bill every month with the fruits of your wordsmithery labor. But you won't be taking summers in the French Riviera if you don't work hard and almost every day. If you're a household name, you might be able to rest on your laurels for a few years making asynchronous income, but I fucking PROMISE you that you also didn't get to be a household name by working ten hours a week.

And let me tell you, when you're not writing full-time, other stuff seeps in. (And, of course, though I tell this as a cautionary tale and for the sake of transparency in my process, I should point out that by "you," I mean ME….but I probably also mean you, so be careful.) I never stopped writing every day (another drum I bang all the time), but boy did I drop off of trying to get posts up and sit down for ten to twelve hours and edit and do all the hard work of the space in between writing for pleasure and publication. I just made sure I was keeping the habit so that the tools of process (and maybe a few tools of craft) would still be waiting for me when I came back. 

Most are. 

A few are stiff and rusty. 

A couple I'm going to have to start over on. 

It could be worse. And if I hadn't written every day, it WOULD be worse. And if I'd written more, it would be better, but that's where your own life balance and priorities come in. I wasn't willing to tell someone I loved (going through the worst thing they'd ever been through in their life) that they needed to find someone else to talk to about it. Maybe you make different choices.

Now…..I am all too well aware that I have been writing a long line of "Here's what went wrong in the LAST few months…" posts spanning all the way back to 2021. Miscarriages. Cancer. Terrible breakups. Liver disease. Death of boss-friends. Evictions. Debilitating chronic pain. Multiple surgeries and recovery—both me and Rhapsody. Tons of pain and anxiety. I don't want to bore you with another post like that. In the words of Mrs. Landingham: "So you're having a little bit of a decade."

And it wasn't all bad. In there I fell in love a couple of times and took some trips and got to pivot completely on my career by going back to school for a year to get a certificate. 

But in that time of writing much much less, other stuff oozed into all the cracks…and not in the fun way. 

It wasn't like I ever said, "Hey, I'm going to do this other thinginstead of getting back to writing."

[Okay, actually, that's not true. There was that year of community college where I very deliberately said, "I don't want to take three years to become a certified personal trainer, so I'm going to do this all in one year even if it eats up some my writing time—which holy hells did it ever.]

But other than that very minor incident—hardly worth mentioning really—with the nine months off, I didn't ever deliberately sacrifice my writing time to other things. It wasn't like I was making a choice. It just sort of happened. I took on minor things in the cracks and crannies, since I was doing a lot less writing anyway. A commitment here. A diversion there. A weekly hike. A daily run. "Yeah, I can take the kids to school every morning." "Sure, I can help out with that." A sense of how much I could put on my plate that wasn't based on needing hours a day to write.

One more thing. 

One more thing.

One more thing.

Mostly I was sick or in support mode…or sometimes both. Hospitalized. Doing chores. Running errands. Helping process grief or chronic pain. And it wasn't all bad either—sometimes I watched Daredevil because Rhapsody was tired of Love Is Blind and we were both home. Stuff just kind of dribbled into my schedule and once it got in there, it became VERY hard to get it back out. In the last year, I repeatedly noticed that on days where I wanted to write—where I was really excited about it—but there just wasn't time. I was running from thing to thing to thing and then my day would end. And every week I said "Okay, I'm going to be better on the weekend when I have time." And every weekend I would run ragged after the kids and say, "Okay, I'm going to be better during the week when the kids are gone and I have a routine." 

Months of this.

And loved ones…. Loved ones. Oh dear sweet loved ones. They ARE loved—and they love you, I promise—but they can smell free time like a shark with a drop of blood. And if you're not wrapping your arms around that time, declaring it writing time instead of "free" time, and growling at them when they get close, like Rocco when you reach towards his bowl for that bacon the kids slipped him…you're going to have that precious time taken away by the most well-intentioned, well-meaning, deeply-loving, sincere people in your lives who just don't understand why it is that you can't do this ONE thing for them during all that "free" time you have. 

Suddenly, I'm ready to write and champing at the bit to write and humping the WALLS to write, and my schedule is saying, "When, Chris? When would this writing happen?"

I'm a writer. I write. I have to write. If I don't write, it feels like a part of me is broken. So finding the time I'd lost to so many other things was the highest priority of February, and I wouldn't rest until I figured it out. I know a lot of people talk about writing in these terms, but when you take a look at their actual lives, they don't get much writing done. And I was about to be one of those people, speaking in florid, purple prose about how much I loved writing while doing little of it.

And so I took to my schedule. Every reclaimed hour its own battle of wills and Tetris'ed logistics. 

I'm not going to tell you what matters in your own life or what might be more important than writing in a moment or in a week or in a month or in a year. That's for you to decide. I've heard people tell me there's no time to write when they play 8 hours of video games a day, and they're clearly kidding themselves, and I've seen people keep at it every day but the scheduled date of their own abdominal surgery and they're clearly more dedicated than me. Most everything else is in the liminal space between those two extremes, and I'm not here to judge what makes a "real" writer. Real is someone who writes.

What I can tell you is that if you're not writing daily—or very very close to it—you probably won't be able to quit your day job. And that on a long enough timeline, your priorities WILL become self-evident.

If you write roughly a page a day for 20 years—which is a reasonable pace for well revised and edited work—and take a year off to help a loved one through cancer, your body of work will be 6935 pages instead of 7200.

If, on the other hand, you let paycheck-earning work, family, and leisure time take precedence (and I'm not saying you shouldn't—we all live life according to our values and priorities), and only manage to come to the page six or seven weekends a year, and write the same page every day, then your body of work in the same 20 years will be only 240 pages. 

At the beginning of February, I hit a crisis point. There just wasn't enough time for all of it and I HAD to write. I tried to add writing and four units into my already-busy schedule and the whole thing collapsed like a lung in a medical drama. And I had to have my Coming to Jesus The Morrigan moment.


On to part 2 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

But The Art Will Be Great….Right?

One of the refrains I see when fascism rises (higher than it already is) and begins to sweep across—well, let's be honest here—the Republican Party……is that "at least the art will be great." Like everything else is going to suck for millions, and we might end up at war,  and probably a lot of marginalized people are going to die, but at least we'll get some good albums and novels out of it.  

But will we? 

Will we really?

Turbulent times of cultural tension can create great artistic expression. But if you're grabbing popcorn and hoping for a lit art scene, you might want to check your history books. Because you know what doesn't create artistic expression? Artists going hungry, and keeping their heads down because they might get killed.

Artists have to get paid. I don't know when the idea showed up that artists shouldn't get paid for their work. 

Actually, I do. 

It was in the early 19th century France (and late 18th in Germany) when "art for art's sake" became so absurdly en vogue. Art then became almost exclusively something done by "starving artists" (or maybe by an upper class, white, gentlemen-of-leisure type who didn't need to work or raise kids or anything) and the idea that money sullied it showed up. It wasn't that other people weren't MAKING art (and good art)…to pay the bills, it's just that the circle jerk of rich white men deciding only other rich white men were making "real" art showed up. France and Germany were two tiny European nations joining England in telling the rest of the world how to live around this time.

One of the reasons that around that time we have way too many books by landed gentry white dudes with too much time on their hands.

And like most things the power elite and monied classes do, the bourgeoisie adopted it lock, stock, and cliché so they could play at feeling like they have some modicum of power by enforcing status quos (instead of their reality of being proletarians about three or four paychecks away from destitute) and proceeded to use it to create an artificial class barrier to feel superior to people who expected to be compensated for their expertise and time. 

This idea of art for art's sake and starving genius artists endured even after art exploded in its consumption, artists became celebrities, and most began to be exploited by capitalism. 

First of all, fuck that. If you didn't pay attention in ANY humanities classes, let me give you the straight dope on this: some of the best, most endearing, most provocative art came either back in the way back when an artist had a patron making sure they were WELL taken care of so they didn't have to work some menial job that took them away from creativity or when they absolutely were doing it as a job. Not starving. Not above it all. Just like everyone else making a living. 

I shouldn't have to tell you this, but France and Germany at the height of European colonialism don't get to decide what makes for good art. They sure thought they did (particularly at the time), but they didn't. Even at the zenith of this myth about what was considered "high" art for its own sake, you can still find better art that isn't.

But also…an artist can't be creating something you find subversive if subversion will get them hurt. And I’m not trying to be alarmist, but that’s where authoritarian movements that create scapegoats in marginalized communities always wind up going—artists who don't toe the line land in prison or get dead.  These times are the LULLS in a nation's artistic expression. (Unless they're cranking out a lot of propaganda.) You might find most artists to be pretty resilient against social consequence. They don't seem to care if they upset the status quo and if you threaten them with a one-way ticket out of polite society, they're liable to ask you if they can take the express train. But when you're jailing them, disappearing them for a while, or worse for having the temerity to hold a black light to the sheets of society, you're not going to get a lot of rousing artistic discourse.

It turns out that social consequence or even oppression in the form of marginalization or cultural imperialism might embolden most artists but actually imprisoning them or worse has kind of a chilling effect on their creativity. Violence puts us in a survival and crisis mode that isn't where creativity happens.

If you really want your art to be off the hook, pay the shit out of artists and make sure that they are safe enough to feel like they're just losing social standing and their comped tickets to BRESH instead of their homes, their livelihood, their freedom, and possibly their lives.

And on that note, here's my patreon if you're looking for an artist to support.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Follow this Blog (or me). Now NEW and IMPROVED!

Interested in following Writing About Writing? Or Chris Brecheen?

If you're trying to follow Writing About Writing (or if you are trying to follow ME as a writer), it might actually be confusing to navigate all the different ways I am online and what goes where.

Writing About Writing is on several social media, but each medium is updated a little bit differently. Some get every post I make, no matter how major or minor. Some media are privy to a cycle of "reruns" where most days I cycle through the popular posts of the past so that new folks can see old posts they may have missed (and old fans can be reminded of treasured classics).

Some social media have different signal-to-noise. Some I update in other capacities. Some are fire and forget. In some, I post my writing that is not "about writing," like the blog NOT Writing About Writing. Other places, more strictly ABOUT writing, pretty much keep it to this blog and it's updates along with macros, puns, and "You should be writing" memes. A lot of people have left Facebook and almost everyone I know has left X (Twitter). 

Here are a few questions I get a lot:

What should you follow if you want to see everything I write? 

You want My Public Facebook Page. Follow it (or friend it if you check out the guidelines below). Though be warned that it can sometimes be like drinking from a fire hose. I will post everything I write, including reruns, but I ALSO post navel gazing, proto-posts, Jack-Handy-caliber deep thoughts, amateur political punditry, social justice thoughts, macros, silliness, and geekery. 

What should you follow if you basically want all the official posts I write, but not a bunch of crap about politics, video games, my day, or social justice?

You will get a higher signal to noise ratio if you follow my Tumblr, but I write about politics, video games, social justice, and sometimes my day, so I'm not really sure you can avoid that if you're interested in me as a writer.

What should you follow if you basically want the Writing About Writing blog, but almost nothing else. 

You want the Writing About Writing Group. TWO posts most days (one new and one rerun). There is one meme (but only one) that is the prior day's best from the page. I almost never post from my other writing, and I almost never post more than one meme.

What should you follow if you basically want memes, puns, articles, and "you should be writing" reminders and don't really care about reading my blog?

Okay, that's cool. No no. It's fine. Really. While I put some aloe on this burn, you want the Writing About Writing page. Lots of memes, macros, puns, and comics and it's easy to scroll past the occasional post from my blog.

What should I do if I want all of these things? All of it! Give me more!!

Follow the Writing About Writing Facebook PageThe Writing About Writing Facebook Group, and my Public Facebook Page. Then go to the following button on the page and set your preferences to "See First." I will warn you that you may see some repeat posts, but this if you want to miss the fewest things I post, this is the way.

Or if you don't like Facebook, follow me on Bluesky and Tumblr. The two together should have pretty much everything I write.

All nearby Mandalorians in unison:
"This is the way"

The "Join this site" button on the left, toward the bottom of this (and every) page. 

Following Writing About Writing through Google's Blogger allows you to assemble a collection of blogs you follow. Most people following the blog this way have their own blog through Blogger, but it's not necessary. (You only actually need a Google account, which many people have through Gmail.) You will be notified when I write a new post.

Pros- Shows all updates (minor and major). Updates in a timely manner.

Cons- No reruns. No posts from any other venues. Blogger usually takes a few hours to get the latest post up.

R.S.S. Feed 

Note: Google has recently discontinued FEEDBURNER, but if you still want an RSS and/or email feed, here is a page of alternatives

If you have an RSS reader, you may like to simply be updated by having your RSS feed updated with the text of my latest post. If you click on the Feedburner button AT THE BOTTOM of the page, you can subscribe to Writing About Writing through a number of RSS readers including FeedDemon, Netvibes, My Yahoo, Shrook, NewsFire, RSSOwl and more. 

One of many Feedburner alternatives at the link above.

Pros- Shows all new updates (major and minor). Updates instantly.

Cons- RSS feed does not include reruns (even the Greatest Hits I like to cycle through). No posts from other venues. Many RSS readers are JUST text, so you won't see the images that are part of the posts. Also, if you get a little behind on your feed, catching up feels Sisyphean and knowing the next update is coming feels like the sword of Damocles. (Gotta get my Greek metaphors on.)

Email Notification 

….has been disabled by Blogger.

I'm really sorry. I will keep my eye on a replacement. When I'm making enough to pay all the bills with writing, one of the first orders of business is going to be hiring a web designer to completely overhaul the site and have all the cool things that I can't figure out how to do.

I keep most short things on Bluesky. While I'm not ready to leave Facebook, a lot of my friends ARE, so anything that CAN fit into the 300 character limit, will, and if it can't fit in 300 characters, it'll end up in a post that I LINK to on Bluesky (or I'll post it to Tumblr). This DOES mean that Bluesky is going to see a LOT of my personal posts.

Pros- A glimpse into my private life.

Cons- Who wants to see THAT crap?



Pros- Peace of mind. Not supporting a Neonazi. 

Cons- Are there really any?

(That heading is a link)

W.A.W.'s Facebook page is its whole own thing.

In order to build an audience on Facebook, I spend a lot of time posting memes, macros, "you should be writing" reminders, inspirational messages, videos, and whatever thing about writing I find interesting and want to share.

This may seem counterintuitive, but I actually try NOT TO POST TOO MUCH FROM MY BLOG. The audience I've spent years carefully cultivating will not stick around if things get spammy. Most of the FB audience is there for the shenanigans, not the blog cross-posting.

You can increase your chances of seeing posts by setting the page to "see first," but you'll never see everything……because Zucc. FB does something horrible frequently enough that if I could som

Click "See first" to see more. 
But because FB wants page admins paying money
nothing you do will ever get you everything I post.
(You have to visit the page periodically and go through our history for that.)

Pros- Lots of other fun stuff going on. 

Cons- Lots of other stuff going on which. Also the FB algorithm prevents page followers from seeing every post so some W.A.W. posts will get lost. Not a good place to get all the blog updates if you want them. Enjoying anything on FB requires a shower with steel wool and industrial cleanser. Facebook is the Antichrist.

(The heading is a link)

I joined Tumblr after Facebook's 2016 round of content throttling. Then Tumblr started doing it too and THEN they axed LGBTQIA+ content because of overkill compliance with Fosta/Sesta. These days I'll post all my blog stuff (reruns too) including from the non-writing blog, and a few of my well received memes very similar to my FB group except more memes and I sometimes I share other Tumblrs or something a little social justice-y. 

Pros- Blog posts from all locations. Best meme of the day. 

Cons- Somewhat limited presence on Tumblr. And I share other Tumblr posts about social issues from time to time.

(The heading is a link)

Different from the FB page, the Facebook GROUP will only have the blog posts (usually two a day) and a single macro/meme/infographic that is kind of like "The prior day's best."

Pros- Mostly just blog cross posts. (Reruns and current.) Once-a-day "best of" macro/meme.

Cons- Nothing else.

(The heading is a link) 

My Public FB profile is a melange of personal updates, posts about politics and social issues, geekery, things I find about non-monogamy, introversion, and pop culture. But it will also include some "behind-the-scene" thoughts about writing, running a page, and the creative process. (And sometimes complaining about some of the people I run into on the page itself.) If you wish there were more "Social Justice Bard" posts, this is a place where you can read the proto-versions of some of them as well as the ones that never make it to the blog.

You might want to follow for a while and decide IF you want to send me a friend request. I'm definitely not everyone's cup of tea with the geekery and the social justice stuff. 99.9% of my posts are public, so you really wouldn't be missing anything except the ability to comment.

If you don't care for my (very) occasional social issues post on other social media, you will like my profile even less. I write about that stuff almost daily. I can be a bit much for people. I post a lot. 

I have a Commenting Policy for this profile. You should read it before charging in. ESPECIALLY before charging into a contentious post. 

If you do want to "FRIEND" me, send me a PM with your request. (Don't worry, I check my "Message Requests" inbox at least once a day.) That account gets around 100-200 friend requests a week. I reject most of them because I don't know if they're there to try and rent my page or just pick a fight in the comments. So send me a message along with the request.

Pros- See more of "me." Get "behind the scene" updates. See "alpha" versions of posts and thoughts that never quite make it.

Cons- I post a LOT. I am not shy about my liberalism/leftism. 

(The heading is a link)

Yes, I even have an Instagram. It gets periodic updates as well as the the occasional selfie (although late stage capitalism demands that I point out my Patreon selfie tier is still the best way to get those). I don't really pay much attention to it since images (or short videos) are not the medium I work in.

(The heading is a link)

Though Patreon is less of a social medium, my patrons do get pictures and content through various tiers that are not available to anyone else. Newsletters, early access to posts, and the occasional post about what's going on that my regular readers aren't privy to. 


I would love if something better existed than these few (oft problematic) sites. I know there's shit out there like MeWe or Dreamwidth. Most everywhere seems to suffer from two things:

1- Everytime we move, everyone goes somewhere different and some people I never see again.
2-As soon as they get enough people, capitalism corrupts them to be similarly evil, so there's no escape other than to use social media in the most subversive way possible. 

Right now, I am also fettered. For all Facebook's throttling and trying to squeeze blood from my stones (and even restricting my account for no reason and not telling me why), running a page of 1.3 million is what has made it possible for me to be a working writer.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Everyone Needs An Unofficial Ted Lasso Puzzle Book

One of my true honors and privileges as an artist with far more reach than I deserve for the work I do or have done is that (provided that I do not abuse the privilege) EEEEEEVERY once in two or three whiles I can point at some art or projects that one of my friends is doing and give them a little boost.

It's not much, and it's a LOT less than people who get envious of my platform seem to think. I don't hit a button and make anyone thousands of dollars for their self-published NaNoWriMo drafts. But if their shit is awesome, they might sell another couple dozen.

Last year, my editor and a coauthor, both of whom are fans of Ted Lasso, published the third of three puzzle books. If you like word games and like Ted Lasso, they are a lot of fun. The coauthor supports a charity called Steps of Faith, and through that group (and a couple of steps I'm leaving out), met Jason Sudeikis—the man behind the Ted Lasso series. Jason autographed all three of the puzzle books and graciously allowed himself to be photographed doing that for the books' promotion.

Lift it Like Lasso Volume One

Lift it Like Lasso Volume Two

Lift it Like Lasso Volume Three

The coauthor that I mentioned also has a blog where you can check out her work with Steps of Faith and the way she ended up with copies of her own book autographed by the creator of Ted Lasso. Enjoy.

Rebecca's Blog

Thursday, October 24, 2024

An Important Appeal

I need a new computer. 

Most folks on social media already know about this appeal, but for those of you following me in a way that avoids Facebook, you may not know that I'm struggling.

Gofundme link to help with computer cost--including the full story.

Hi folks. I really really hate passing the hat before I have been reliable about getting content out, but if you know what my last few years have been like, you know that I'm struggling financially already, and a portable computer will help me with GETTING the content out.

On October 21 (this year) I had a lot on my plate and mind dealing with a partner who needed surgery the next day, and I went on a 10k run and neglected to stretch out when it was done. (Never neglect your stretching. Even if your whole world is in chaos.) At about 3:15 am the next morning (the 22nd) I jerked awake in agony having terrible leg cramps and in doing so, I knocked my laptop and phone off of my bedside table and down onto the floor. My leg was spasming, and I fell off the bed....and right onto both. I heard my phone crunch into my laptop, and I knew immediately I'd cracked the screen. What I didn't know was that I wouldn't even be able to really turn it on. All I can see is the crack pattern (you can even see where the phone was) in the screen.

I just paid a $1200 car maintenance bill for my Prius's 100k service and then turned around and got hit with a $4200 tax bill from 2023. (I'm a freelancer, so I always owe and it's always a lot.) My life savings was completely wiped out and I can't just go get a new computer, so I'm asking for a little help.

$1700 should cover the cost of a new little MacBook air with all its taxes. I have some additional flex goals if this fundraiser goes extraordinarily well, but I will update those here and in updates if we get closer to this initial amount.


NOTE- In the interest of full transparency and honesty, I want to let you all know that at this point, the laptop has been ordered. There were a couple of private donations (not through GFM) and my mom is giving me Christmas early. I called in favors I'd rather be able to say "actually, I'm alright--let's save it for a rainier day" but I'm at least going to be able to get back to work. So if you're having hard times, please hold on to your money.

What I'm adding as I go is the a DIFFERENT Gofundme for. (But since I'm doing this one, I think I better cool it for at least six months to a year.) If you've been following along, you know that the reason I usually just have money set aside for a new computer* but didn't this time is because of the last couple of years of medical bills.

[*I'm an artist. I don't spend a couple hundred on paints and canvasses every month, but I have my own expenses that show up every few years in a lump sum. Actually, buying a MacBook every four or five years is a lot less expensive than most people pay for art supplies it just requires I be smart about setting cash aside. I usually have a fund for it that I've been paying into, and I'm ready when it happens.]

I had colon cancer in 2021, and late that year they removed a tumor about the size of a softball and resected my large intestine. In fall of 2023 a complication from the cancer (but not a recurrence, thankfully) landed me in the hospital with blood vessels poking into my stomach.

For now my medical team and I are on top of everything. I get poked and scanned and double-end "-oscopied'  on the regular, so that I'm probably going to know if there's anything wrong in there before anyone who never had an issue. I'm healthy, in remission, and I can even look at a CT scanner without having a panic attack. All good things.

But even with pretty good insurance, the medical costs were staggering. Breathtakingly so. Copays. Deductibles (I'm still paying off the second hospital stay in payments.) Labs (SO many labs--even at eight dollars a pop, which is not too bad, I was adding a hundred a month to my expenses for a while). Prescriptions. Driving all over the bay area to see specialists. And so so SO much lost work. It took me years to get through the mental and emotional parts.

I conservatively estimated it at about $25,000 for the two hospitalizations. But with the lost work, it's probably closer to $50k.

I'm not trying to make THIS a medical fundraiser, but the reason I couldn't just go buy a new laptop the same day I crunched my old one is that I had been setting aside for it since my LAST new computer is because I completely wiped out my savings on medical expenses. So if we pull in a little more than the cost of the laptop, I'm using it to replenish what was lost to cancer and liver disease, and to replace a writing fund that I had set aside for my novel.

So if you want to contribute now, that's awesome. But the laptop is covered and there will be a separate Gofundme in six months to a year that is JUST for the medical expenses.

Where the money goes

$1650 Replacement MacBook Air 13 inch. (With a couple of upgrades but not all of them) and ALL taxes and fees.

$107 Otter Box external case with all taxes and fees (so hopefully this doesn't happen again.

$2243 Attempting to recoup losses from medical costs that led to not having enough to just replace a broken computer in the first place. (I usually have the money standing by because a professional writer HAS to be prepared to buy a laptop at a moment's notice--just like a painter needs to budget for acrylics, brushes, and canvases.)

Gofundme payment processing fees and estimated tax burden.
